Every first Friday of the month, we, the regular volunteer team from Dhaka, Under The Sky Mojar School - UTSMS


Every first Friday of the month, we, the regular volunteer team from Dhaka, Under The Sky Mojar School - UTSMS, meet at our head office to discuss various topics and share our thoughts. Our main focus is on how we can improve the lives of street children in Bangladesh. We discuss our progress, as well as our problems, knowing very well that when we work for humans, it always takes time to achieve the expected results. We never lose hope, and we believe that someday we will win and ensure better places for street children. 

Although we have been working for the last 11 years, we have many success stories and have made a significant impact. 

However, we still have a long way to go to achieve our goals.

Attached is a picture from the May 2023 1st Friday monthly meeting.
